Enhancement: Edit presets by hitting the enter key when they're selected.
Enhancement: Edit/Create presets window re-added and interface corrected.
Enhancement: Open by Location window is much more user-friendly.
Changes in version 3.6 - Dec 8th, 2002
New Feature: Version Checking
New Feature: Edit Presets in the Presets list itself! Just hit enter!
New Feature: New and improved Found Files window.
Modification: Operations are now a LOT quicker.
Modification: Moved Find by Location option.
Modification: Interface completely reworked.
Modification: Registrar, Assimilator and Swap merged into one module.
Bug Fixes: A _LOT_ of them.
Note: Many other changes, far too many to list all. Mainly performance enhancements.
Changes in version 3.5 - May 14th, 2002
-------------------------------------------------New Feature: Ability to remove Presets.New Feature: Ability to open File Geek to a specific module each time.New Feature: Ability to hide the Presets list on startup.New Feature: Ability to choose which module handles folders that are dropped onto the FileGeek window.Bug Fix: No longer crashes if you try to copy an Icon and the file no longer exists.Enhancement: Improved Lock Name option.Enhancement: Improved interface (less crowded).Note: This program will not be moved to Mac OS X.Changes in version 3.4 - May 1st, 2002:
-------------------------------------------------Modification: Path to File bar now always shows at bottom of screen.Modification: New About/Registering SystemModification: No startup delay for unregistered users.Modification: Presets window looks more Mac OS compatible.Enhancement: Slightly faster.Changes in version 3.3.4 - December 15th, 2001:
-------------------------------------------------Bug Fix: No longer crashes in Mac OS 9.2.2.Changes in version 3.3.3 - December 15th, 2001:
-------------------------------------------------Bug Fix: Registration now works properly.Changes in version 3.3.2 - December 14th, 2001:
-------------------------------------------------Bug Fix: Fixed sporadic crashes in GetFile commands.Bug Fix: Fixed the label of a check box in the swap module, it should have been Invisible, not visible. New Feature: Re-added "Save Me" option which will allow you to quit FileGeek in the middle of a batch operation.Changes in version 3.3 - September 10th, 2001:
-------------------------------------------------Localization: Italian version released.Update: Menus and 'News and Updates' menuitem added.Changes in version 3.2.1 - August 28th, 2001:
-------------------------------------------------Bug Fix: Registered version wouldn't hide shareware warning in the Assimilator!Changes in version 3.2 - August 26th, 2001:
-------------------------------------------------Modification: Updated menusModification: Updated Register and About windows.New Feature: Icons in menus.New Feature: "Please wait..." Dialog box now appears when running a task such as mass apply.Changes in version 3.1.1 (May 15th, 2001):
-------------------------------------------------New Feature: You can now delete files from the "Registrar Module"Modification: 10 presets added [have some you want added? e-mail me!]Bug Fix: General Stability ImprovedBug Fix: Can no longer hit the Apply/Save/Find buttons while FileGeek is already busy with that same command.Bug Fix: The presets list now displays properly when you add a new preset.Bug Fix: Some presets had to be fixed (only three ?'s instead of four)Bug Fix: When adding a preset sometimes a blank entry would also be written.Changes in version 3.1 (May 8th, 2001):
-------------------------------------------------New Module: Registrar (Powerful Sherlock-type file search module).Changes in version 3.0:
-------------------------------------------------New Module: Swap-o-Matic.New Feature "Save Me": Ability to quit FileGeek in the middle of an Assimilate process.Changes in version 2.5.2:
-------------------------------------------------New Feature: Ability to add presets.Bug Fix: Plugin clash with OS 9.1 resolved (replicable on SOME G4 Cubes).Changes in version 2.5.1:
-------------------------------------------------Bug Fix: Comments field will now count in the File Assimilator module.Bug Fix: Comments fields will try to stop your typing at 299 characters.Bug Fix: Registration now works properly (fixed from public beta 2.5.1b5)Changes in version 2.5:
-------------------------------------------------Reprogrammed (a heck of a lot more efficient).Numerous bugs fixed.No upgrade fee required.New Feature: Presets for iTunes added.New Feature: the correct tab will be displayed depending on what sort of item is dragged onto the application.Modification: when mass-applying file attributes (via File Assimilator) one would notice a lengthy stall where they couldn't do anything but wait. This has been fixed by adding multi-tasking capabilities. Now a spinning arrow will show when the task is running and will disappear when completed.Changes in version 2.1.1:
-------------------------------------------------GUI EnhancementsPresets AddedPresets window now works with both Assimilator and the GeekAdded icon copier (click once to copy to clipboard)